Natural Washing Company

Natural Washing Company

Simple, natural, washing products that work.

Our new venture, the Natural Washing Company, is all about simplifying washing. Washing your hands, washing your body, washing your laundry, cleaning your home. We care about what ingredients go into our products and onto your skin, what goes down the drain and into the bin.

We have developed and chosen a range of effective washing products that: 

  • Use responsibly sourced natural plant based ingredients - producing gentle, natural, effective washing and cleaning products that are biodegradable and vegan friendly.
  • Contain a minimal number of ingredients and no foaming agents (SLSs), no artificial fragrances and no parabens.
  • Are economical - our washing products are long lasting and give you many washes per product. 
  • Reduce/eliminate plastic by returning to traditional washing methods - we love a bar of soap at the sink, a soap on a rope for the shower, a bag of soap flakes for laundry and an innovative mess free wall soap for hands all of which give you lots of plastic free choices. 
  • Reduce Landfill - by offering refill bottles and encouraging the reuse of smaller bottles and pumps, using recycled/compostable packaging wherever possible, eliminating plastic wrap on products and sending out parcels in recycled boxes or bags. 

          The passion behind the products:

          We have been steeped in the soap industry for a number of years running and growing our sister company Frenchsoaps. We have always been passionate about good quality soap made with natural ingredients and are ambassadors for the effectiveness of some of our most simple products (the Stain Removing Laundry bar for example is like a miracle worker on stains!). 

          Loving the product, listening to our customers, and being deeply aware of the growing concern for the environment has brought us to set up the Natural Washing Company. It quite simply does what it says on the label. 

          See our full range of products HERE