Soap of the Week - Pastis

Soap of the Week - Pastis

Husband cries out in anguish "there's no soap in the shower" So he's pointed in the direction of the soap stash and told to choose whatever he wants. And this is what he chose: PASTIS

I'm very pleased he chose this soap, I haven't used it for ages and I had forgotten how fabulous it is. It smells of Pastis (aniseed/licorice). It's strong, cleansing and fantastic to smell in the morning in the shower. My husband absolutely loves it. 

So let's talk about Pastis. The word “pastis” is derived from the Provençal "pastisson" meaning "blend" and the drink is much loved by the French particularly when playing or watching Petanque. Pastis and it's exotic unfamiliar blend of herbs and aniseed makes me think of the heat of Marseille as well as the magic of the zinc topped bars of Paris. It's a real enigma to us Brits. 

It's strong (45% proof) and usually diluted 1 part Pastis to 5 parts ice cold water. Adding the water makes the Pastis turn cloudy - a very distinctive characteristic. So if you can't get abroad this year to anywhere hot and vibrant, go and take a shower with this soap instead!